Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for His many blessings over us. Praise be to God!
In our today’s episode 619, we shall be introducing you to the book of Micah titled:
What You Need To Know About Prophet Micah And His Writings
The Book of Micah was authored by Prophet Micah himself (Micah 1:1), who ranked sixth in the biblical ranking of minor prophets. And the book was written somewhere around 735 and 700 B.C. He was a contemporary of Prophet Isaiah.
Micah came from a village called Moresa, situated near the city of Eleutheropolis, towards the south of Judah and according to chapter 1:1, he prophesied under the following kings of Judah namely, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, for approximately five decades.
His writings were primarily addressed to the people of Jerusalem and Samaria because they were the capitals of the divided nation of Israel into Judah (south) and Israel (north), respectively.
He prophesied the future destruction of Jerusalem and Samaria because they refused to repent from their sins of dishonesty and idolatry. He also prophesied about the future restoration of the land of Judah.
The book of Micah covers seven chapters. He predicts the tragedies that befell Samaria. Samaria was eventually reduced to a heap of stones.
Judah was not left behind too. He predicted how Sennacherib inflicted trouble upon the people of Judah during the reign of king Hezekiah. All these he saw beforehand and warned the people but unfortunately, they refused to listen. Please read Chapter 1:1 till Chapter 3:12.
Despite all the various warnings and judgement already predicted, Prophet Micah however did not forget to include a message of hope, restoration and peace which would be ushered in by the reign of the Messiah and the establishment of the body of Christ called The Church. You will find all these reading from Chapter 4:1 till Chapter 7:20.
Micah specifically predicted the birth of the Messiah. He mentioned the town and the extent of His dominion, which was to cover the uttermost part of the world.
Read Chapter 5:2 and compare it with Matthew 2:6.
Micah’s prophecy of the Messiah is very relevant to every New Covenant believer as it helps us to understand the message of salvation that dealt with sin problem; offers repentance, and restoration through Christ Jesus.
Apostle Paul also helps us to elaborate this in Romans 3:24-25. Apostle John also in John 14:6 mentions Christ being the only Way to access Salvation from God.
Lesson to Learn:
The reason God usually warns people through His ministers, especially prophets is because God loves us so much and does not want us to perish and the truth is if God’s warnings are always neglected, it leads to terrible repercussions.
Always remember this that sin is killer but the Love of God has brought us solution in overcoming the power of sin through Christ death and resurrection as prophesied by both major and minor prophets in the Bible.
God does not want us to remain slaves of sin. That is why Christ took our position, disarmed the devil and sin’s power over us and relocated us into His domain of freedom and authority.
Are you in that domain already?
To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.
Let’s pray:
I declare that God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ gives you grace and peace and empower you to occupy your rightful position of authority which will enable you to become who God wants you to be on earth, in Jesus name.
I declare you receive the grace to remain united with Christ and be victorious in every battle that may want to come your way. In that challenge, remember God is there with you winning on your behalf, in Jesus name.
No one on this platform will be implicated. Every attempt to set you up has failed already. Every trap the enemy might have set for you and your family has been destroyed already, in Jesus name.
Bible Readings For Today: Malachi Chapter 3 & 4 with Isaiah 55
I call you blessed now and always.
Wednesday December 16, 2020 (DDMI)