Good day Believers in the finished work of Christ. You are all welcome to another new day. Glory to God for the gift of life.
This is Part 487 of our series of studying and understanding the Bible.
To some extent, we have dealt with the call of Jeremiah from which we were able to also look into the various ways by which God calls His Prophets – some were born into it (Jeremiah, John The Baptist etc); some were called into it (Amos, Apostle Paul etc); while some became prophets by functioning as sons under another Prophet or Apostle e.g Elisha was son to Elijah and Timothy was son to Apostle Paul etc.
Thereafter, we touched various signs which indicate whether a person is treading the path of a Prophet or any of the ministry offices or not. The topic is broad, but for the purpose of the book of Jeremiah, that’s how far we will be able to go for now.
If you have any question so far, please do not hesitate to drop it in the comment section or use ddmionline website for that purpose and you will receive instant answers.
Now, let’s move into how Jeremiah was prepared before he was launched fully into the Prophetic office.
One thing is to be called into the prophetic or born with it and another thing is to be well prepared for it.
It’s not an office or a ministry anyone can dabble into without proper preparation.
Let me share with you briefly about my ministry journey.
I was ordained about 14 years ago but before then, I served under various Pastors, Prophets and Apostles – I learnt so much about many of the challenges of doing ministry.
I learnt about their weaknesses, strengths, their mistakes, failures and successes.
Later, when the church authority noticed it was time, they chose four of us and enrolled us for some trainings before we were finally taken to the final authority (The Bishop), for our ordination.
Following after that ordination, I have also worked with several Prophets and Apostles studying their methods of doing ministry and the move of God in their lives.
Then ultimately, I was and still a Word addict. I wanted to really understand the Bible. That was and still my major prayer point that no matter what happens, I must not feed people with errors in the name of doing ministry work.
It was a long and challenging journey but then it’s worth it. Till now, I am still studying the Word in order to rightly divide it to people.
I am saying all these for people to understand that ministry work is not something you dabble into without first paying the price of preparation, especially when it comes to the matter of the Bible and its interpretations.
That’s the anchor upon which any ministry hangs. The truth is that the Bible is a Mystery and requires proper explanation.
The truth is that if your interpretation of the Scripture is wrong, definitely your practice and what you feed your congregation will be wrong.
That’s why Apostle Paul instructed Timothy as follows:
1Tim 4:13 So until I come, be diligent in devouring the Word of God, be faithful in prayer, and teaching the Believers.
As a Prophet or Pastor or Apostle etc, your primary assignment is to learn how to devour the Word and teach it in order to Prophesy Christ to others and mature them in the faith (discipleship). Other matters are secondary.
So, how was Jeremiah prepared?
We will look into that in more details in my next post, God willing. Stay tuned and stay blessed in Christ Jesus.
Let us pray:
Receive the grace to continue to devour the Word of God and rightly interpret it for your personal growth and for the benefits of others, in Jesus name.
No one on this platform will be led astray, in Jesus name.
That powerful gifts of God upon your life will not be truncated and you will continue to live a fulfilled life, a life pleasing to God, in Jesus name.
The Lord God will arrange circumstances that will bring unlimited blessings into your life and your needs are miraculously met. You will not be put to shame, in Jesus name.
Bible readings for today: 1Corinthians Chapters 9, 10 & 11 with Psalm 99.
I call you blessed now and always.