Are We Serving Three Gods; Why Was Blood Needed For Payment Of Sin? Here Is Why

Many people have claimed that Christians serve three Gods. Do Not Be Confused. We do not have three Gods. He is still the same God. He only manifested in three different forms. He did that for the following purposes or reasons:
During creation, He manifested as the Creator, our Father who spoke His Word, then heaven and earth and everything in it were created. He said “be” and everything we see came into existence.
Second Dispensation/Manifestation
During the redemption of man from sin, He manifested in human form (Christ) to solve man’s sin problem
Some people have been debating why can’t God simply forgive mankind of their sins without anyone dying on the cross? Why can’t God just forgive and let go since He is a loving and caring God, He loves us unconditionally and Colossians 3:13 says, He forgives freely?