Here Is One More Vision That Reveals A Basket Of Fruits

Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our daily study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for enabling us to enter into the last month in the year 2020. It’s a unique privilege to be loved by God. Praise be to God! Happy … [Read more…]
Practical Secret Lessons From Two Baskets Of Figs That Will Make You Quiver

Anyone who keeps disobeying God and committing sin is a slave of sin and this gives the devil power or entry permit to afflict such person. Let’s read what Jesus says here:
34“I speak eternal truth,” Jesus said. “When you sin you are not free. You’ve become a slave in bondage to your sin. John 8:34 TPT
However, if you obey and receive the gift of Salvation and you keep gazing at the Word of truth, you are set free from the bondage of sin and the devil cannot torment you.