Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our daily study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for the gift of life and for His benefits on us each new day. Praise be to God!
In our today’s episode 591, we shall be examining Hosea Chapter 8 titled:
Sound The Alarm! Enemies Are Swooping Down On The People
This chapter presents us with the invasion threats from the enemy, which Prophet Hosea already foresaw and therefore decided to warn the people ahead.
This invasion as described by Hosea was a hostile one and would be so swift just like how an eagle would catch its prey.
The eagle mentioned in this chapter was no other person than the King of Babylon – Nebuchadnezzar.
Why would the enemy invade the land of Judah?
The answer is right there in verses 1-3
My people have broken the covenant I made with them and have rebelled against my teaching.
2 Even though they call me their God and claim that they are my people and that they know me,
3 they have rejected what is good. Because of this their enemies will pursue them.
They were full of hypocrisy, subversion, and worshipping of graven images made with gold, as their gods and you know God hates idolatry and other sins of course. But then, idolatry appears to be a major sin that tends to question the sovereignty of God over such person.
According to verse 8, sin reduces a person’s worth and makes the sinner as useless as a broken pot. Prophet Hosea added that they were as stubborn as wild donkeys because they have chosen to go their own way. They relied on Assyria and other nations to protect them and they ignored God completely. Read verse 9.
Verse 10 talks about their punishment.
The Israelites thought that by building more altars and sacrificing more animals, God would be able to favour them and their sins would be blotted out. Unfortunately, they go it all wrong. Making sacrifices and building altars without a genuine change of heart is useless.
Their incorrigible idolatry is again declared to be the cause of their approaching captivity under the king of Assyria. And as they delighted in idolatrous altars, there they shall have these in abundance, Hosea 8:10-14. The last words contain a prediction of the destruction of the fenced cities of Judah because the people trusted in these for deliverance, and not in the Lord their God.
In summary, the people of Israel sowed idolatry and the enemy invaded their land and they reaped captivity.
What are you sowing? Seed unto corruption or unto holiness in Christ?
To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.
Let’s pray:
As we keep on sowing the seed of the Word of God into your life on daily basis, I declare the power of the Word begin to transform your life to become the best that God wants you to be, in Jesus name.
I heard someone just got a new job. I declare every resource you need to succeed in your new role, receive it now, in Jesus name.
I want to join my faith with those who are looking unto God for a lucrative job, I decree serious recruiters begin to connect with you for that new career progression meant for you and you will not miss it, in Jesus name.
As this year is running to an end, no one on this platform will die, we shall all live and be in good health, serving the Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
Bible Readings For Today: John Chapters 10, 11 & 12 with Psalm 139
I call you blessed now and always.
Friday November 13, 2020 (DDMI)