Seeking God in the Night Hours

Looking for God around evening time is an exceptionally strong scriptural rule that can change our relationship with God by cherishing Him in a luxurious manner. In the Scriptures there were many individuals who sanctified their nights for the quest for the Holy One (Samuel, David and different psalmists, Anna the prophetess (the daughter of Penuel from the tribe of Asher), Jesus, Paul, …). What’s more? It was in those hours that numerous strong God-experiences occurred.

The Glory and Power of Seeking God at Night

Looking for God when no other person does – Most individuals rest around night time. This basic chance to be one of a handful of the who are as yet alert, and that we have a place with the tiny level of the individuals who devote this opportunity to God does a great deal in our spirit and particularly in God’s heart. It is a unique opportunity to Him and can turn into something very similar to us.

At the point when there is less interruption

Night is when exercises and business nearly stop and when we are significantly less inclined to interruptions. It is a lot simpler to concentrate when there are less choices to invest our energy.

At the point when there is more enticement

The night hours are emphatically connected with increment of transgression, especially shamelessness, savagery and tipsiness. Moral hindrances evaporate for physical longings as murkiness builds the expectation that shameless conduct may stay unnoticed. Effectively seeking after God in this period won’t just fortify our affection for uprightness and capacity to stroll in it, we are additionally engaged to take up arms against those powers of murkiness that are dynamic around evening time. Jesus featured the idea of observing particularly in the midst of preliminaries (Mk 14:38; Lk 21:36).

Building a mysterious history with God

Seeking Him around night time alone is a strong method for looking for Him stealthily, when there is nobody watching, nobody seeing your sanctification, love and intensity, the penances you make – where there is basically no compensation by individuals. You construct a mysterious history with Him that mainly, you and God know about. He examines secret since He cherishes it when things are done distinctly for Himself and simply because of Him. He’s looking all through the world to observe individuals who are after Him.

6 But you, when you implore, go into your inward room, close your entryway and petition your Father who is stealthily, and your Father who sees secret things will remunerate you.

(Mt 6:6)

A type of fasting

Sacrificing long periods of rest is a type of fasting and affects our spirit and soul: As we exchange our (physical) strength for His, we become softened to the presence, voice and development of God and position us to get more from God.

Affecting conditions in a strong manner – Extraordinary means have unprecedented outcomes. Looking for God around evening time can have outrageous impacts concerning forward leaps we battle for.

‘But about 12 PM Paul and Silas were supplicating and singing songs of commendation to God, and the detainees were paying attention to them; and out of nowhere there came an extraordinary tremor, so the reinforcements of the jail house were shaken; and promptly every one of the entryways were opened and everybody’s chains were detached.’

(Acts 16:25-26)

Cherishing God in an exceptional manner

The main explanation and inspiration for looking for God around night time and what all the work in the end is about is to encounter his affection and to adore God more. It will profoundly develop our relationship with Jesus, our adoration for Him just as our trust in our stroll before Him.

Since He is worth the effort – We look for God around night time since He is worth the effort. He merits the entirety within recent memory, the day hours as well as those in the evening. Regardless of whether there was no prize for us, He would in any case merit all of our work to gravitate toward to Him around evening time.

Since we long for Him – We stretch out our quest for Him to the night hours in view of a profound crave a greater amount of Him, realizing that He is the one in particular who can truly fulfil. Craving a greater amount of Him is both the inspiration and aftereffect of looking for Him around night time. The eager will turn out to be more. There are things held for the people who look for remarkably, the individuals who are frantic for Him.

‘Ask, and it will be given to you; look for, and you will find; thump, and it will be opened to you.’ (Mt 7:7)

Since He aches for us – Eventually we gravitate toward to Him around evening time since He aches for us to be with Him. We look for Him as a reaction to His longing craving for us, even around evening time.

‘Father, I want that they additionally … be with Me where I am, so they might see My brilliance which You have given Me’ (John 17:24)

‘And He came and thought that they are dozing, and said … Could you not save watch for 60 minutes?'(Mk 14:37)

Different Types of Seeking God at Night

Dusk ’til dawn affair – Staying up the entire night to look for Him. Regularly an on occasion movement since we need to rest at some point. It was a not unexpected act of Jesus. – There is additionally the choice to move your entire way of life so you rest during the day and look for Him around night time. Many individuals all around the world do that today. They dedicated their entire lives to look for and serve God around night time. They are generally called night vigils.

‘But keep on the alarm consistently, asking … 37 Now during the day He was instructing in the sanctuary, yet at evening He would go out and go through the night on the mount that is called Olivet.’

(Luke 21:36-37)

Remaining up longer – Getting to bed later while investing more energy with God by the day’s end.

‘On my bed consistently I looked for Him whom my spirit loves’ …

(SoS 3:1)

Starting off prior – Rising up before dawn to enjoy the main hours of the day with God. This should be possible consistently and is effortlessly made an advantageous propensity. The morning hours are pivotal for the nature of the whole day and the time when we are generally invigorated. Besides, the previous you put down this point in time for God the more uncertain it is to be involved by different arrangements. Being happy with the presence and love of God right toward the start of your day will altogether completely change you. The morning hours can turn into your most valuable hours of the day. Jesus frequently emerged before first light to invest energy in supplication. Many Godly individuals from the beginning of time viewed it as one of the most significant and strong propensities for their life.

‘I ascend before day break and weep for help; I hang tight for Your words.’ (Ps 119:147)

‘In the early morning, while it was as yet dim, Jesus got up, went out, and disappeared to a detached spot, and was supplicating there.’ (Mark 1:35)

Awakening in the night

Rising up in the middle of the night to enjoy an hour with Him or two. This may be finished by setting up an alarm. In any case, regularly we likewise awaken all alone in the night (with or without dream) and it’s really God wanting to hear our voice in the night, calling us to look for Him. Particularly assuming we feel completely alert, all things considered, God woke us up in light of the fact that He needs us to invest energy with Him. Barely any notification that reality and respect the impulse to pivot and keep resting. He has all option to awaken us when He wants to invest energy with Him us. We are His!

‘At 12 midnight, I will ascend to express gratefulness to You as a result of Your honest mandates.’ (Ps 119:62)

‘And Eli told Samuel, Go rests, and it will be assuming He calls you, that you will say, Speak, for Your worker is tuning in. So Samuel proceeded to rests in his place. Then the Lord came and stood and called as at different times, Samuel! Samuel! Furthermore Samuel said, Speak, for your worker is tuning in.’ (1 Sam 3:9-10)

Fighting for Godly dreams

Contending that God would visit us in the night through God-propelled dreams. It’s an aloof way, yet at the same time significant and strong reality. Experiencing God in dreams goes far past getting guidance from Him. The most impressive dreams we can get and fight for are heavenly experiences in which He excites us with His brilliance. We accomplish something beneficial in routinely asking that God would visit us in dreams consistently.

How to Seek God at Night?

Looking for God around night time doesn’t essentially mean exchanging rest for supplicating and perusing the Word however exchanging rest for experience. However we do those things, at last it’s not necessary to focus on otherworldly exercises yet about being moved by Him and about contacting His heart accordingly. In the event that it’s actually not necessary to focus on experience, our interest will turn out to be hard, wearing and more an agony than a joy. This is valid for movements of every sort in the mystery place no matter what the time.

As a matter of fact all that you do in your mystery time with God can likewise be applied to the night hours. In any case, there are sure exercises that the Bible features in an extraordinary manner for the night.


The order to implore consistently (1 Thess 5:17) is similarly valid for the night. It is substantial for a wide range of supplication.

‘With all supplication and appeal implore consistently in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alarm with all tirelessness and request for every one of the holy people.’ (Eph 6:18)

Fellowshipping with God

Seeking God just to be with Him and to abide in His essence and converse with Him. It’s scanning Him for the information on God, to know Him all the more personally.

‘The LORD would address Moses eye to eye, as a man talks with his companion. Then, at that point, Moses would get back to the camp, however his young colleague Joshua child of Nun didn’t leave the tent.’ (Ex 33:11)

‘When I recall You on my bed, I ruminate over You in the night watches.’ (Ps 63:6)

Contemplation on the Word

Several stanzas of the Bible urge us to ruminate (think upon) the Word of God constantly and underline the gigantic endowments that accompany that.

‘But his enjoyment is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he ruminates constantly.’ (Ps 1:2)

‘Meditate in your heart upon your bed, stay composed.’ (Ps 4:4)

‘My eyes expect the night watches, that I might contemplate Your assertion.’ (Ps 119:148)

Looking for Him for guidance

  1. As we extend our seeking and knocking into the night hours and participate in a form of fasting, we get more sensitive to God’s voice and His revelation of wisdom and purpose to us. I believe the night hours are crucial in getting insight into His will and purposes.

    7 I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. (Ps 16:7)
  2. Seeking Him for breakthroughs – Night hours are hours of powerful breakthroughs.

    25 But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, … 26 and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened. (Acts 16:25-26)
  3. Night watch – Prayer with a focus on intercession (against the work of the enemy in the night, for specific ministries, regions, the Body of Christ, Israel, other concerns).

    3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. (2 Tim 1:3)

    8 Now, will not God bring about justice for His elct who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? (Luke 18:8)
  4. Worshiping and serving God – Staying up just to bless and serve God through worship and ministry (1 Chr 9:33).

    1 Behold, bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord, who serve by night in the house of the Lord! 2 Lift up your hands to the sanctuary and bless the Lord. (Ps 134:1-2)

Practical Tips

  1. Bright light – Avoid dim light even though it might create a comfortable atmosphere. It is important to use as much light as possible to prevent sleepiness from setting in. The brighter the light, the more awake we feel.
  2. Stay engaged – Idleness and boredom are major reasons for falling asleep while seeking God at night. Try to stay focused in prayer, meditation, worship and so on.
  3. Worship Music – Some cannot sleep when it’s not completely quiet, others sleep better with music. Either way, I would recommend to create a prayer setting that includes worship music. It can help you to stay awake and engaged. And even if you happen to fall asleep, it’s more likely to wake up in God’s tangible presence when there’s worship music playing.
  4. Don’t lie down – Don’t get too comfortable, or you are more prone to fall asleep.
  5. Coffee – This may sounds a bit unspiritual but it actually works for many to stay awake or to get you started when getting up early.
  6. Keep moving – Instead of sitting it can be helpful to walk around from time to time. It makes it easier to stay engaged in prayer and you might also find it hard to fall asleep while walking.
  7. Join others – Certainly seeking God at night is more than a corporate reality, but doing it together can be very powerful and even helpful when approaching this concept for the first time. You can encourage one another and help to stay awake. In addition, Jesus promises a special level of His presence to Godly fellowship.

    20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. (Mt 18:20)
  8. Love your neighbours – To be taken literally. Depending on your housing conditions you might not be able to do things at loud volume like worshiping with guitar or loudly proclaiming the Word of God. As God is love and love is the highest goal of God’s command, we should never ignore those who want to sleep – for their sake and for our own.
