Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our daily study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for the gift of life and for His benefits on us each new day. Praise be to God!
In our today’s episode 603, we shall be examining the book of Amos Chapter 3 titled:
Never Take The Grace Of God For Granted; God Still Loves You
According to what Prophet Amos says in the beginning of chapter 3, of all the nations of the earth, God specially cared for the nation of Israel. He loved them to the point that he used them to demonstrate His Salvation plan for the whole world.
Unfortunately, the nation of Israel did not see it that way. Despite all the miracles wrought among them through the hands of many Prophets, judges and kings, used by God especially how God miraculously brought them out of Egypt, yet they seemed not to understand the extent of God’s love for them and they kept on sinning again and again.
Notice how he first directed his message to the entire nation in verse 1 and then later focussed more on the northern tribe.
The truth is, there is no way they could walk with God if their hearts were not right with God.
And this is what the Prophet was talking about in verse 3 that can two people walk together unless they agree?
Meaning that if you are NOT in agreement with God, especially in your heart, it will be impossible to walk with Him – serve Him. That is why the Bible says, without faith, no man can please God. Heb 11:6
The same figure of speech was repeated in verses that followed Amos 3:3. They’re all saying the same thing but in different ways.
Then in verse 9, the Prophet called upon people from other nations to learn from the calamities that were about to befall Samaria so that it would serve as deterrent to them.
Their sins became so unbearable that God decided to withdraw and allow them to satisfy themselves. That’s why Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:24 that God gave them over to do the filthy things their hearts desire, and they do shameful things with each other.
They exchange the truth about God for a lie.
They worshipped and served what God created instead of the Creator Himself.
Can you imagine? God, who in His generosity gave every human being life and authority to dominate the earth and we went ahead to pay back His goodness with our evil deeds. What a shameful thing.
You can now see why the Israelites and those other nations mentioned in chapters 1 and 2 were severely punished? Yes, they deserved those punishment because they were already taking the grace of God for granted. Please read Romans 1:16-32 for all the details.
You see, there will always be consequences for every action every human being take on earth. No matter how smart such person thinks he or she is, but a time is coming when their cups will be full and it will be pay back time, then they will begin to face the punishment.
This is why Apostle Paul says in Romans 2:6 that For God will reward every person according to what each has done. Please, read more from Romans 2:6-16.
Grace be with you all…
To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.
Let’s pray as we declare the following together:
I am loved by God; I refuse to take His grace for granted. Each new day, I am divinely guided to do that which is pleasing to God, in Jesus name.
Bible Readings For Today: Micah Chapters 1, 2 & 3 with Psalm 150
I call you blessed now and always.
Thursday November 26, 2020 (DDMI)