Introduction To The Book Of Jonah; A Must Read

Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our daily study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for His many blessings over us. Praise be to God! Happy Sunday to you all.

In our today’s episode 612, we shall be examining the book of Jonah titled:

Introduction To The Book Of Jonah; A Must Read

According to the book of Jonah, he was the fifth in the biblical ranking of the minor prophets.

The author: Although written in third person, the book was traditionally believed by many scholars to have been written by Prophet Jonah himself.

Date it was written: The general position of many scholars is between 793 and 758 B.C.

Prophet Jonah was the son of Amittai.

He was a Galilean, a native of Gath-hepher.

The book of Jonah was purposely written to teach us amazing lessons about:


Consequence of disobedience.




Jonah’s stay in the gut of the whale provides him with a exclusive chance to receive forgiveness from God and to be rescued.

The kind of revival that prophet Jonah brought to the people of Nineveh on the long run, has been regarded by many Bible scholars as one of the biggest evangelistic outreach of all ages.

In our next post, we will be starting from the first chapter by examining the call of Jonah and his disobedience.

Why did he disobey and why did God insist on sending him despite his reluctance and disobedience?

Keep your fingers crossed as we shall be diving deep into this amazing book which was also referenced by our Lord Jesus Christ.

To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.

Let’s pray:

I declare the purpose of God concerning your life shall be fulfilled no matter what may come your way, you are a winner and a champion already, in Jesus’ name.

You will not live a wasted life on this planet earth. Everything you need for a fulfilled life shall be adequately provided, in Jesus name. Happy Sunday to you all.

Bible Readings For Today: The whole book of Jude with Isaiah 47

I call you blessed now and always.

Sunday December 6, 2020 (DDMI)