Good day People of God in Christ Jesus. You are all welcome to another new day. Glory to God for the gift of life. Happy Sunday to you all. It is a joyful new week for us all, in Jesus name.
Here is Part 499 of our series of studying and understanding the Bible, titled:
How To Know When and How God Is Speaking To You
This is a sequel to our study of Jeremiah Chapters 7, 8 and 9 in the previous post.
I have received a lot of questions on this topic and I feel this is the best time and platform to address it as it will be read from any part of globe on the internet.
The fact that you are reading this post today means that God is leading you and has brought you straight to the answer you have been looking for. So, this is not a coincidence at all.
When you got born again in Christ, you were actually led and drawn to Christ to make it happen.
Jesus said that Himself here…in John 6:44-47 (TPT)
44 The only way people come to me is by the Father who sent me—he pulls on their hearts to embrace me. And those who are drawn to me, I will certainly raise them up in the last day.”
45 Jesus continued, “It has been written by the prophets, ‘They will all be taught by God himself.’ If you are really listening to the Father and learning directly from him, you will come to me. 46For I am the only One who has come from the Father’s side, and I have seen the Father!
47 “I speak to you living truth: Unite your heart to me and believe—and you will experience eternal life!
So, God has been speaking to you, drawing your heart to Himself even before you knew Him. Why? Because He first knew you and formed you from the womb. Jeremiah 1:5
Then, after you are born again, in your spiritual journey too, He keeps leading you. The problem many people have is that they are not tuning their heart frequency to pick the signals from God. We will examine that also in this post, so, keep reading please.
Remember what Jesus Christ says in John 14:26 (TPT)
26 But when the Father sends the Spirit of Holiness, the One like me who sets you free, he will teach you all things in my name. And he will inspire you to remember every word that I’ve told you.
I want us to pay very good attention to the phrase “all things.”
Looking at the Greek transliteration for “all thing,” it means “as a whole,” all manner of things, as many things as possible to help you live a fulfilled life. This means, what the Spirit of God reveals to you transcends even spiritual matters. He speaks ideas, solutions, creativity, marital ideas, financial ideas, leadership ideas, administrative ideas, in all matters of wisdom and understanding (Daniel 1:20) etc into your mind so you can take actions on them and benefit your life and others.
Remember, everything He reveals to you must be holy and good, because God is good and He is holy. If you receive any bad signal, then it’s not from God. Trash it immediately.
So, next time those things mentioned above and many more like them are dropped in your heart, please don’t hesitate, take actions on them immediately. If the name of someone crosses your mind, ensure you chat him or her up. He may be going through some challenges and needed someone badly to talk to. Giving him a call at that moment or chatting her up will go a long way in solving the problem and both of you can pray together and proffer any necessary solution.
Another way God speaks to His children is when He bring things to your remembrance (good things). It may be a verse you have read from the Bible before that God wants you to act upon and it may be a word of prophecy you received from your Pastor many months or years ago. The Spirit of God may be asking you to act on them as fast as possible.
So many people have experienced this already, but the problem is that we usually ignore them and keep saying God is not speaking. Whereas, God has been speaking but we are not paying attention. We have conditioned our mind to a method and as a result, we miss out in other methods.
Like I said earlier, for you to be sure what you receive is from God or not, it must be a good thing, holy and agrees with the Word of God.
You can’t claim God is speaking to you to commit sin. So, if it is sin-related, trash it; it’s from the devil. Whatever God tells you will bring peace of mind and courage to you. When you start having fear and anxiety about it, the devil may be manipulating your mind. Therefore, beware!
Let’s read John 14:27 (TPT):
27 “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!
This can also apply to those looking for who to marry. If fear always grips your mind whenever you are around that person or speaking to her on the phone, then you need to tread gently because it may be a warning sign for you to run for your life.
However, when you experience inner peace whenever he speaks to you, he may be the one but then, you still need to pray more and explore more about him or her.
God can also speak to you through dreams, visions and trance. Let’s read Job 33:14-18 (GNT)
14 Although God speaks again and again, no one pays attention to what he says.
15 At night when people are asleep, God speaks in dreams and visions.
16He makes them listen to what he says, and they are frightened at his warnings.
17 God speaks to make them stop their sinning and to save them from becoming proud.
18 He will not let them be destroyed; he saves them from death itself.
Also, God can use circumstances speak to you. He can coordinate situations to speak to you or to caution you about some steps you are about to take.
Recently, I wanted to take a soft drink. I went into the kitchen, picked a bottle (150cl) and as I opened it, there was a strange force that hit my hand and the bottle fell on the kitchen table, a few content spilled but I was able to salvage about 90% and one voice spoke to my mind, don’t take it. I obeyed at that moment, but few minutes later, picked the bottle again and gulp in some into my throat and down they went into my stomach.
Few mins later, I began to feel a sharp pain all over my spine and instantly the same voice that spoke to my mind earlier spoke again and said at this your age, sugar is not meant for you anymore. I quickly googled the effect of soft drinks on the body and what I found was terrifying. So, this is what the Holy Spirit was trying to warn me about and even sent an angel to hit the bottle from my hand. I felt ashamed of myself and apologized. That was the end of soft drinks for me.
Therefore, I have now replaced soft drinks with bitter drinks like coffee or tea without sugar and milk. My children can still take soft drinks though. It’s good for them but must be taken moderately.
Dear readers, if you are about to do something and you notice some restlessness within you to the point that your heart starts to palpitate, please stop immediately. God may be warning you of an impending danger.
The Holy Spirit wants to lead you in all things, but are you giving Him the chance?
Are you cooperating with Him? He will never force Himself on you, but needs your cooperation.
He has been sending a lot of warnings, but are you listening? He even sent Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists, Apostles, even a laity to you, but still you ignored them all just like the Israelites did to Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Question: How do I start receiving signals from the Holy Spirit Again? Good question.
The solution is you need to start tuning to His frequency. How? Just the way you pick signals from radio stations. Radio stations always broadcast but it’s up to you to tune your radio frequency to their frequency to achieve resonance. In the same way, God always speaks, but it’s up to you to listen and pick His Words. Therefore, start doing the followings:
Read the Word of God as frequently as you eat your daily food.
Pray like your breath depends on it. Open your mouth and let heavenly language fill it.
Worship God incessantly with songs, hymns, and Psalms.
God wants to speak to you but will never force Himself on you. You need to be ready to receive.
Are you ready?
Let us pray:
- Begin to praise and worship God now. Sing hymns and Psalms with songs of melody to the Lord. Worship Him and begin to speak in spiritual tongues right now. Connect your heart with the Holy Spirit as He fills you with capacity to discern and receive from God unhindered and in a limitless dimension, in Jesus name.
- The Lord God will activate your spiritual senses and empower you to pick His divine signals. You will not be left in darkness of ignorance. You are enlightened. Your discerning capability is activated in Jesus name.
- I don’t know what has been speaking to you at the moment, but this is what I want to declare concerning your life: Receive the capacity to decode His signals for your life, in Jesus name.
- I declare, from now on, God is making all things work together for your good to the extent that you will begin to receive good news from every corner of the whole world without delay, in Jesus name.
Bible Readings For Today: 2Chronicles Chapters 19, 20 & 21 with Psalm 106:1-23
I call you blessed now and always.
Sunday August 9, 2020 (DDMI)
Wow, this is loaded and have blessed me in no small measure. There was a time I used to think the voice of God has to be loud like in the movies ….thanks sir for this exposition.
We give glory to God that you have been blessed by it ma. More blessings to you and your household.