Situations can keep you at a song
That will never work for you
That why paul says, ‘Renew your minds, realise the times you are and sing the songs of your time.’
O Lord Jesus, Take me to another level of praise.
Take me to another level of worship.
Take me to another level of grace.
That I may see your face.
For the broken
For the wounded
For the suffering
Come and see
Come and see
Behold the King!
Behold the Savior
The one who was, the one who is and still to come.
Search no more
Thirst no more! Behold Him!
Come and behold Him!
For the chosen!
For the children!
Who stand redeemed.
If not for Jesus,
Where would we be?
David understood this and thanksgiving never ceased from him.
Look again and see how far God has brought you and I.
We are filled with Praise and Gratitude for a Year of Emergence.
JOIN US On FRIDAY, 14TH January at 10pm.
– Prophetess Owokole