Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God and welcome to another episode of our study of the Scriptures. We bless the name of the Lord God for His many blessings over us. Praise be to God!
In our today’s episode 624, we shall be examining the book of Zechariah titled:
Cheer Up, Restoration Is Coming! Prophet Zechariah Assured The People
According to Chapter 1:1, the book of Zechariah was authored by Prophet Zechariah himself who ranked 11th in the biblical ranking of the minor prophets.
The Book was written in two distinctive sections.
The first section (Chapters 1 – 8) contains prophecies mostly in the form of visions revealed to Zechariah at various times between 520 BC and 518 BC.
The second section (Chapters 9–14) provides us with a compilation of messages which also deal with God’s promises of restoration, the coming of the Messiah and then the final judgment. These were written around 470 B.C.
These visions revealed various promises of restoration of Jerusalem, the rebuilding of the Temple, the purification of God’s people, and the promise of the Messiah to come.
The book of Zechariah reminded readers about the fact that what he was preaching to the people were not new as they had at various points in the past revealed to many prophets (which we read from the time of Prophet Isaiah through the entire books of Major prophets and then revealed to all the twelve minor prophets), but unfortunately, the people of Israel and Judah refused to obey.
This is why the same message is coming out to the people again through the mouth of Prophet Zechariah in this book.
No wonder Zechariah opened his book with this statement in verses 3-5:
“Return to me, and I will return to you. Do not be like your ancestors. Long ago the prophets gave them my message, telling them not to live evil, sinful lives any longer. But they would not listen to me or obey me. Your ancestors and those prophets are no longer alive.” Good News Translation.
As a consequence, God’s judgement came upon them. Their sins opened the door for the enemies to attack them and they landed in captivity.
Having spent 70 years in captivity, God facilitated their return and they had to start all over again. Hence the reason they started rebuilding the temple and the walls as we have seen in the book of Haggai and various corroborations in the Ezra and Nehemiah.
Let’s quickly look into these visions one after the other.
The first vision he saw was that of someone riding a red horse and behind him were other horses – red, dappled and white.

What does this mean? It means the Lord God sent them to go and inspect the earth. During their inspection, they discovered that the whole world lies helpless and subdued. Read Chapter 1:8-11
Something similar is happening in our dispensation too. From the devastating effects of the ongoing pandemic, the whole world had been hit very hard. Millions of souls have died, many are undergoing depression at the moment, while many people are hurting and already losing hope.
The good news is that God has seen the predicament of his people crying to Him day and night in prayers. God is restoring the hope of the people already and strengthening them. No matter what’s in 2021, we can rest assured that God is in total control and everything will end in absolute praise. Restoration is coming.
God promised restoration of prosperity to the Israelites according to chapter 1:17. If God could do it for the Israelites, He is doing it for you too as you are reading this message.
The second vision was about four Ox horns.

What do they mean?
The four horns represent four world powers who invaded the land of Judah and inflicted hardship upon them and as a pay back, these four world powers would be crushed and dismantled so that the people of God could be free from their shackles. Read Chapter 1:18 – 21.
The Third vision is a vision of Measuring Line (Chapter 2:1-2)

What does it mean?
Here is the answer in verses 3-5
Then I saw the angel who had been speaking to me step forward, and another angel came to meet him. The first one said to the other, “Run and tell that young man with the measuring line that there are going to be so many people and so much livestock in Jerusalem that it will be too big to have walls. The Lord has promised that he himself will be a wall of fire around the city to protect it and that he will live there in all his glory.” Good News Translation
This means that those in exile, by the time they would be fully repatriated back to Jerusalem, the land would not be able to contain them. No wonder the angel was asked to carry out some measurement to determine the dimensions of their land.
Someone is reading this message right now, the restoration God is bringing to you after this pandemic, there will be not enough room to occupy them. You have won the battle already. Praise God.
The fourth vision is a vision showing the filthy Joshua, the high priest and how his filth was removed.

Remember according to Haggai 1:1, Joshua was the high priest at that time and standing before the Lord means performing his duties as a priest.
But according to Zechariah 3:1, he was clothed in filthy garment and satan was right there besides him ready to bring accusation against him.
The truth is that the devil always feel jittery anytime children of God are worshipping God and performing their duties to God and he will be looking for means to accuse them in order to bring them down. This time he found some filths in Joshua’s life.
I hope we still remember the true meaning of the word “satan?”
According to the hebrew’s transliteration, it means an opponent, an adversary or an arch enemy of anything good.
That’s exactly what satan is to children of God. That is why we must be careful the way we live our lives so we don’t give the devil a reason to accuse us.
But then, here is the Good News!
As believers, we have the power to rebuke and resist the devil by the authority in the name of Jesus and he will flee. James 4:7
That’s why in verse 2, the angel of the Lord who was present in that scene quickly rebuked satan before he could start his accusation.
In post resurrection dispensation, this is how Christ on our behalf has defeated satan and has given us authority over Him. So we have the capacity to put the devil where he belongs. We have the authority to resist and rebuke him and to stop his advances. This is who we are in Christ. Let’s continue to walk and operate in this reality.
Remember it happened to Apostle Peter too when he was yet to receive the Holy Spirit. Satan was already planning to sift him like wheat but Jesus, who already saw that ahead of time, prayed for Peter and warned him to be careful. Read Luke 22:31-32
I decree, whatever evil plan the devil may be orchestrating against you and your family, I hereby terminate his operations and pull down his strongholds around you, in Jesus name.
Pay attention to Zechariah very well. Joshua’s sin was not only wiped off but he was also declared righteous. He was clothed with a brand-new robe of righteousness.

Someone is reading this message now and probably you might have done some terrible things in the past, but here is the good news for you. The Word of God says I should tell you that the price for your sins have been fully paid through the blood of Jesus.
The moment you confess Christ and receive Him into your life by faith, He comes into your heart, wipes your sins away with His blood, wipes your slate clean and He starts with you afresh. Please read 2Cor 5:17
This is what God did for Adam and Eve when they sinned and realized their nakedness. God covered them up and forgave their sins. Gen 3:7, 21. Also read Revelation 7:13-14. Mind you, Jesus did the same thing for the woman caught in adultery in John 8:3-11.
To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.
Let’s pray:
I declare, by the authority in the name of Jesus, whatever evil plan the devil may be orchestrating against you and your family, I hereby terminate his operations and pull down his strongholds around you, in Jesus name.
Every form of filth that satan and his cohort are planning to accuse you with, is hereby washed off your life and family. You are declared innocent, acquitted and justified, in Jesus name.
The Lord God is bringing to your way total restoration so massive that there will be no enough room to occupy them, in Jesus name.
Bible Readings For Today: Revelation Chapters 17, 18, 19&20 with Isaiah 64-65
I call you blessed now and always.
Monday December 28, 2020 (DDMI)
[…] Read about all the aforementioned visions here […]