Practical Secret Lessons From Two Baskets Of Figs That Will Make You Quiver

Anyone who keeps disobeying God and committing sin is a slave of sin and this gives the devil power or entry permit to afflict such person. Let’s read what Jesus says here:
34“I speak eternal truth,” Jesus said. “When you sin you are not free. You’ve become a slave in bondage to your sin. John 8:34 TPT
However, if you obey and receive the gift of Salvation and you keep gazing at the Word of truth, you are set free from the bondage of sin and the devil cannot torment you.
Judgement Pronounced On Bad Leaders! This Is Really Mind-Blowing

Thereafter, from verse 9, Prophet Jeremiah switches from bad political leaders to false prophets and describes how crushed and trembling his heart was when he received God’s Word exposing false and godless prophets. As a matter of facts, in verse 11, he talked about how he caught them in their evil acts right there in the temple and then he pronounced judgement against them in verse 12.
Verse 13 describes the sins of the false prophets in the northern part of Israel (Samaria), while verse 14 described the sins of false prophets in the southern part (Jerusalem).
They were busy committing adultery, sleeping with women right there in the temple. They were also telling lies and, in the process, helping others to do wrong. Jeremiah says, they were as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
4 Practical Secrets That Will Make You Stay Long In Leadership Position

This Chapter gives an account of four major instructions given to the royal house by Prophet Jeremiah, which is of course a continuation of his prophecies from the previous chapter (Jeremiah 21:11-12), directed to the royal house – the house of David.
Jeremiah is presenting this as a template for every king that must sit on that throne and they must listen and adhere to every instruction in the prophetic words, because they are holding a very sensitive position.
For Jeremiah to have presented this message to the royal house, it means God has revealed to him a lot of atrocities and high level of frauds and unfairness going on in the palace.
Exposed! 2Men of God At Loggerheads Over Doctrinal Differences

“Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse.” Apostle Paul in Romans 1:20
Prophet Broke The Jar He Bought, This Is Why Part2

Their sins were so terrible that they emulated the paganistic traditions of the Canaanites sacrificing their children at the altar of Molech, an idol they worshipped in a place called Tophet in the valley of Hinnom or Gehenna in the Southern part of Jerusalem.
This is how it’s done; they would set fire under Molech and because the idol is made of metal, it will be very hot and it’s at that point they would lay the baby in the hands of Molech and the baby would cry to death.
To prevent the parent of the baby or any sympathizer hearing the agonizing cry of the baby, the worshippers would beat their drums and blow their trumpets, dancing and celebrating.
What a terrible and barbaric act. See how it is done in the pictures in the link below and also read the rest of the message from the link:
Prophet Broke The Jar He Bought, This Is Why

Why did Jeremiah purchase a clay jar and broke it at the valley of Hinnom?
This will be the 3rd time so far that Prophet Jeremiah would mention the valley of Hinnom, and the atrocities committed in it. His first mention was in Jeremiah Chapter 2:23, second mention was in 7:30-32 and then in our today’s study chapter 19:2. We will see the 4th mention in chapter 32:35.
What’s so special about the valley of Hinnom that it keeps coming up in Jeremiah’s prophecies? Let’s look at some facts.
Read more here…
4Lessons Jeremiah Will Make You Learn From Potter’s House

In the Bible, whenever a preacher intends to convey God’s message to the people in a way that would make the message stick to their memory, they tend to use symbolic illustrations. No wonder, the same strategy is being used till date, especially in schools. Students tend to grasp information better when such information are expressed with symbols, pictures, and portraits.
More Reasons Exposed About Why Jeremiah’s Audience Were Adamant

Note that whatever you esteem higher than God has become an idol.
Their idolatry obsession was so strong to the point that their children were also infected with the same obsession.
They already had their imagination and memories filled with images of idols.
Therefore, every parent must be careful about their actions because your children are watching! Whatever your child sees you do consistently over time, he or she will start practising the same thing.