Close to the time the prophecies began to find full expression, then they handed the baton to Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk and finally right there in captivity, Ezekiel, Daniel and others took over the prophetic mantle.
Each of them had his season, location and timing. They were not competing with one another as we see today. Their focus was on the message.
You will be shocked to discover that while Daniel was sent to the Palace to fulfil God’s assignment, Ezekiel did not have the Palace opportunity, his own ministry was also in the exile but within the country side area. The Bible says he was living with the Jewish exiles by the River Chebar right there in Babylon.
Jeremiah himself did not go to Babylon. Rather, he stayed right there in Judah to continue preaching to the remnants. You can see how strategic God can be and none of these people argued with God or felt jealous of one another.
This is a big lesson to all the ministers of God in our dispensation. Not every Prophet or Pastor will preach abroad or in the city. There are some that would be sent to the villages, some to towns, some to cities and some to developed countries.