Bible Teachings
Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah
What you will find predominantly emphasized in this book is JUDGEMENT against idolatry.
After the death of King Josiah, a king that happened to love God so much, the nation of Judah completely abandoned God and His instructions.
#Judgement #idolatry
#healing #Restoration #Revival
#Faith #Hope #EternalLove #salvation #Deliverance #Redemption #DDMI #DivineDynamitesMinistriesInternational #Devotionals #BookOfJeremiah
A New Heaven and A New Earth
Isaiah 65:21, “People will build their own houses to live in, and they will not be taken over by someone else. They will plant their own vineyards to enjoy, and they will not be confiscated by someone else. They will live long lives, like age-old trees, and my chosen ones will enjoy to the fullest the work of their hands throughout their lives…