Bible Teachings
Seeking God in the Night Hours

Looking for God around evening time is an exceptionally strong scriptural rule that can change our relationship with God by cherishing Him in a luxurious manner. In the Scriptures there were many individuals who sanctified their nights for the quest for the Holy One (Samuel, David and different psalmists, Anna the prophetess (the daughter of … [Read more…]
You are a living Epistle that other people read – DDMI

‘Throughout the bible we find that we as Christians have been compared to many things. We have been compared to branches. I am the true vine, ye are the “branches”. We have been compared to salt. “Ye are the salt of the earth.” We have been compared to lights, “Ye are the light of the world.” We have even been compared to sheep “My sheep know my voice and a stranger will they not here.”
Here in II Cor. 3:2-3 we are compared to epistles. An epistle is a letter. You and I are epistles, or letters written with the spirit of the living God…’
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Are We Serving Three Gods; Why Was Blood Needed For Payment Of Sin? Here Is Why

Many people have claimed that Christians serve three Gods. Do Not Be Confused. We do not have three Gods. He is still the same God. He only manifested in three different forms. He did that for the following purposes or reasons:
During creation, He manifested as the Creator, our Father who spoke His Word, then heaven and earth and everything in it were created. He said “be” and everything we see came into existence.
Second Dispensation/Manifestation
During the redemption of man from sin, He manifested in human form (Christ) to solve man’s sin problem
Some people have been debating why can’t God simply forgive mankind of their sins without anyone dying on the cross? Why can’t God just forgive and let go since He is a loving and caring God, He loves us unconditionally and Colossians 3:13 says, He forgives freely?
Is It True That Jesus Was Created To Save Mankind? Here Is The Answer

Is It True That Jesus Was Created To Save Mankind? Here Is The Answer Greetings to you all greatly beloved of God in Christ Jesus. Welcome to another beautiful day in the third month of the year 2021. We are thankful to God for preserving our lives each new day and for blessing us with … [Read more…]
Learn To Study The Bible Yourself Using This 6-Month Plan

Greetings to you people of God. Here is a plan to help you read and finish the Bible within six months. Reading and studying the Bible yourself will help save you from pulpit bandits that are out there to slaughter the sheep instead of feeding them with the Word of God, which is Christ in … [Read more…]
You Are Too Relevant To Be Ignored, Examining The Love Of God Over Mary Magdalene

Fortunately for Mary, the four canonical books of the Gospel still managed to retain some of her stories which revealed the crucial roles she played in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Her story and the empty tomb gave the whole world irrefutable evidence to prove that Jesus Christ resurrected.
The point is, if Mary’s sins did not prevent Jesus from accepting her, who are we to challenge that position? If Christ Jesus deemed it fit to make her worthy, who are we to cast her aside?
Remember, the Lord is closer to the broken-hearted and much is forgiven anyone who is contrite in the spirit. Mary may have not been a perfect person, but she was contrite in the heart and she was favoured by the Lord.
This Is Rare! He Got An Amazing Miracle Because He had A Mind Shift

The truth is, to be poor is a thing of the mind just like to be rich is also a thing of the mind.
Start engaging your mind productively from now on and stop allowing negativity to ravage your thoughts. If you believe in the principle of wealth creation, you will attract ideas for wealth creation. Whatever you allow in your mind produces its kind.