Author: ddmionline
Enemies Invasion and Escape Route
You need to watch out for the following major signs in your life. They are indicators of the invasion of the devil to sift you.
¬When reading and studying the Word of God is becoming a burden.
¬When you can no longer worship God like before.
¬When you can no longer pray or speak in tongues.
¬When your prayer life is becoming weaker each new day.
¬When you no longer have interest in connecting with other believers to charge you spiritually.
When you are starting to notice the above signs, it’s an indication that your life has been besieged by the enemy.
They are only waiting for the final signal to strike.
Stop Being A Hypocrite God Wants To Make You Righteous
They claimed they needed no help that they could take care of themselves. They claimed there was nothing like war or famine coming that it’s all lies. In fact, they claimed the Prophets of God are nothing, but windbags and that they have no message from the Lord. You will find all these things recorded in verses 12 -29.
A Call To Repentance
Jeremiah’s message reminds me of those days growing up when we did anything wrong to our parents and they would ask us to make a statement that we would not do that again. Sometimes, we were asked to repeat it several times. The purpose was to get it registered in our mind so that any time we’re confronted with the temptation to disobey our parents again, what we repeated severally would automatically pop up in our mind reminding us not to do anything stupid, lest we get punished for it.
You Have Practised Adultery With Many Lovers
Jeremiah Chapter 3 gives a picture of religious infidelity. Jeremiah is seen here using the strongest possible illustration to describe how Israel had on several occasions forsaken God and worshipped other gods, thereby describing Israel as an unfaithful woman religiously sleeping around with other gods, which resulted in total alienation from God. Judah’s sin was even worse, having seen her Sister’s actions, took her own prostitution to another level. She was doing it boldly to slight God. She was not ashamed of it and, in the process, defiled the land…
Prophet Jeremiah Took Judah Down A Memory Lane About Their First Love
Good day Believers in the finished work of Christ. You are all welcome to another brand-new day. Glory to God for the gift of life. This is Part 493 of our series of studying and understanding the Bible, titled: Prophet Jeremiah Took Judah Down A Memory Lane… From verse 1 of Chapter 2 of the … [Read more…]
The Fortification Of Prophet Jeremiah
Good day Beloved of God in Christ Jesus. You are all welcome to another new day. Glory to God for the gift of life. Here is Part 490 of our series of studying and understanding the Bible. The fortification of Prophet Jeremiah into the prophetic ministry. Having commissioned Jeremiah by putting the Word in his … [Read more…]
How God Prepares Men For Ministry
Good day Saints in Christ Jesus. You are all welcome to another new day. Glory to God for the gift of life. Here is Part 489 of our series of studying and understanding the Bible. How does God prepare men for ministry? From our study so far, we have learnt about how Jeremiah had an … [Read more…]