Happy Sunday to you all, people of God. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus. We bless God for the opportunity to present to you another episode of our daily study of the Scriptures. We thank God for the gift of life and for His benefits on us each new day. Praise be to God.
In our today’s episode 576, we shall be examining the book of Daniel Chapter 6 titled:
When Evil People Find It Difficult To Bring You Down, This Is What Happens
In this chapter 6, we see that another emperor named Darius was mentioned to be on the throne, although many scholars opined based on Daniel 6:28 that it was Cyrus (the King of Persia), who put him there to rule on his behalf.
Irrespective of whether it was Cyrus himself or he put someone there to rule on his behalf, the point is it was the Silver Empire, according to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that has taken over and they are called the Medo-Persia, whose emperor was Cyrus.
So, Darius appointed 120 governors to hold office throughout his empire. Apart from that, he also chose Daniel and two others to supervise the governors and to look after the King’s interests.
Daniel again began to shine above the other two leaders because he had an excellent spirit in him (hope you still remember Daniel 1:17, 20?). Daniel had a good attitude in his work and life, and this made him the object of attack. Daniel was such a faithful man that those who looked for a flaw in his actions in order to bring him down failed totally. Verse 4.
Then they manipulated King Darius into signing an irrevocable law that was powerful enough to condemn Daniel to death. They chose a wrong reason though – praying to his God. They did not know prayer is the powerhouse and arsenal of every child of God. Verses 5-9
As a matter of fact, when Daniel learned that the order had been signed, he went home. In an upstairs room of his house there were windows that faced toward Jerusalem. There, just as he had always done, he knelt down at the open windows and prayed to God three times a day.
How many of us can do this; in the face of persecution and even death, how many of us can still stand with God?
Jesus said in Luke 9:26
26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.
So, it happened that Daniel was not ashamed of God. He did not deny knowing God, he continued as he has always been doing – praying 3 times a day facing Jerusalem (that was their custom those days) and he got rewarded for it even though it looks like the jaw of death, however to Daniel, it was a blessing in disguise – to promote the glory of God in his life.
In every adversity, there are potential blessings. It takes spiritually sound people to understand this truth.
When the King finally came to his senses to realize that it was a trap to put Daniel in trouble, it was already late. The decree could not be revoked.
Nevertheless, he believed that God whom Daniel served was able to save him and that was why he rushed down to the den and called Daniel to confirm if what he believed had happened.
Of course, God never disappoints His people. He gave the King instant answer and said:
Verse 22: “God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me. He did this because he knew that I was innocent and because I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.”
Upon hearing this good news, the King was happy and ordered for Daniel to be pulled out of the lion’s den. When they pulled him out, they found out that he had not been hurt at all – God saved him. The Angels of the living God shut the mouth of the lions.
Guess what happened next?
The King ordered the arrest of those conspirators, who accused Daniel and had them, and their entire family thrown into the lion’s den. Was the King trying to eliminate the bloodline of conspirators from his Kingdom? I guess so. That is nature of Old Testament judgement.
The King did not stop there, he also ordered that throughout his empire, everyone must fear and respect Daniel’s God, because He is a living God, and he will rule forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His power will never come to an end. He saves and rescues; He performs wonders and miracles in heaven and on earth. He saved Daniel from being killed by the lions.
Wow! Praise God!
What lessons can we learn from this chapter?
Whatever you may be going through right now for standing up for the truth, you can be assured that God will stand up for you and rescue you, even though it may look as if the whole world is crashing down on you, but then, within a nick of time, God will turn the table around and put a joyful smile on your face and a joyful song in your mouth.
Also, be very sure that you are not envious or jealous of the success, riches, and wealth of others. Remember, your thought is creative. If you are envious or critical of those who have amassed wealth and honours to the point that you start manipulating authorities against them to bring them down, you will impoverish yourself along the line and everything will come crashing on you – please take a cue from envious Daniel’s colleagues. They ended up being devoured by the lions which were meant to devour Daniel himself. The table turned. Be wise!
Remember, what you wish for others, you tend to create in your own experience.
What other lessons can you learn from this chapter? Kindly drop them in the comment section.
To be continued…stay tuned and stay blessed.
Let us Pray:
Today is a special day. I declare harmony, success, prosperity, abundance, security, and Divine right action to start manifesting in your life right now.
I declare you will not fall into any satanic trap. Those who are planning your downfall will be disappointed and see you climbing to the top of the ladder of success.
I declare God’s Infinite Intelligence will continue to reveal to you better ways to relate with people and to be a helper to the needy.
Remember, you are a mental and spiritual magnet, irresistibly attracting to yourself men and women who matter to seeing your destiny fulfilled. Receive the spirit of discernment to recognize them and connect with them.
I declare you are Divinely guided in all your ways and whatever you do prospers from now on. There is no disorderliness in your life and family and in all your undertakings, in Jesus name.
Bible Readings For Today: Ezekiel Chapters 5, 6 & 7 with Isaiah Chapter 36
I call you blessed now and always.
Sunday October 25, 2020 (DDMI)
After the completion of the temple and dedication Solomon told God anytime Israelites turn to the direction of the temple irrespective of wherever they are and whatsoever they are passing through that God should answer them. Daniel might have read about this and is reason for turning towards Jerusalem. Let know more about God by searching through his words. Amen